Cooperative Service Responsibilities
The wonderful part of a parent cooperative is the involvement of families. KNS has a great community with fun social events, just 5 meetings per year, some "Fun"draising, two annual work parties, and our amazing annual Science Fun Fair. Co-op job participation is necessary for the existence of KNS. Co-op jobs support the morning and afternoon programs for the children, provide administrative assistance, maintain the facility (both indoor and outdoor) and are responsible for fundraising.
Parent Participation "Parent Teachers"
Parent teachers are a vital part of the KNS morning program. Parent teachers compliment the work of the teaching staff by bringing special interests and talents to the program. The children of KNS benefit from the low ratios and the wonderful sense of caring that comes from interactions with our parent community. Parent teachers participate once a week from 8:30-12:00 and received a $35 per day tuition credit. Parent teaching is not required but their applications receive priority during admissions. ⬇️ Download the Handbook Family Job Each family is assigned a Family job for the year. Examples of Family jobs include maintaining the outside playgrounds, laundry, school maintenance/cleaning, fundraising, curriculum assistance, and Science Fair assistant. Time commitment varies for each job, but they average around 2-4 hours per month. Attend 5 General Meetings Usually held on the 2nd Wednesday of every other month between September through May we have an adults only meeting to discuss preschool happenings and upcoming events. An adult from each family is required to attend. The meetings last approximately 1 hour. Attend 2 Saturday Work Parties One adult from each family must attend 4 hours at each work party for clean-up, building projects, and maintenance of the school's playgrounds. Science Fun Fair The Science Fun Fair is held annually on school grounds in May. All families are required to contribute by donating time in some way to this event. |